Monday, January 27, 2020

Reason For Aseptic Technique Is To Maintain Asepsis Nursing Essay

Reason For Aseptic Technique Is To Maintain Asepsis Nursing Essay Reflection 2 Aseptic Non-Touch Technique This reflective piece will be about a procedure that took place whilst on placement and will look at infection control whilst doing an aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT). Using Atkins and Murphys 1993 model of reflection (Rolfe, G et al 2001). I have used this model as it helped me become aware of my actual thoughts and feelings regarding the situation, and more focused when analyzing it. Description I visited a lady who had bilateral leg wounds that needed to be dressed daily, the leg dressings that had been put on the day before were heavily exudated, the lady who I am going to call Jane to protect her identity as per NMC 2004 was adamant that she had kept her legs raised. The nurse that I was working with said that she would dress the legs this time and when I visited again I would do the dressings. The nurse opened the sterile packaging of gloves and placed it on the floor, this was to be her sterile field. The dressings and bandages that she required were opened and placed onto the sterile field and the nurse placed an apron over her uniform. The sterile gloves were put on and she proceeded to remove the dressings that were on Janes legs, once the dressing had been removed these were placed into the waste bag. The nurse then proceeded to assess the wound and then redress it without changing her gloves, by not changing her gloves which were originally sterile these will now have become contaminated by handling the soiled dressing and would contaminate the new dressings and the wound. Stage One Whilst watching the nurse change the dressing this made me question what I had been taught in University about ANTT. The procedure that we were taught in university is from The Royal Marsden 2008. This made me feel uncomfortable and question that the patient would be at risk from healthcare associated infections (HCAI). Stage Two The reason for aseptic technique is to maintain asepsis and helps to protect the patient from HCAI it also protects the nurse from any of the patients body fluids and toxic substances (Department of Health (DOH) 2005). Elderly people are more at risk of infection which is caused by organisms that invade the immunological defence mechanisms as there immune systems are less efficient ( Calandra 2000) ANTT is used to ensure that when a healthcare professional handles sterile equipment only the part of the equipment that will not contact the wound is handled (Preston 2005). When doing the ANTT procedure this involves ensuring that consent has been gained from the patient and they are aware of what the procedure will be, the environment and the equipment is prepared, hand-washing takes place, personal protective equipment is used and a sterile field is maintained. In a Primary Care setting one of the biggest problems is infection that enters the body through a tear in the skin, this may b e through a leg ulcer. A small number of microbes are sufficient enough for an infection to be caused, this may then be difficult to treat with antibiotics and what may have been a trivial problem may end up becoming a significant problem (DOH 2007). Nurses should assess the risk of transmission of infections from one person to another and plan their nursing care accordingly before they commence any form of action (Chalmers Straub 2006). Hand washing prior to ANTT has been found to be the most important procedure for preventing infections, hands can be the biggest route of transmission of infection if not washed correctly (Akyol et al 2006). There have been recent studies that show that hand washing is rarely carried out in a satisfactory manner and 89% of staff misses some part of their hand surface during hand washing (Mcardle et al 2006). Handwashing should be done prior any procedure, this can be achieved by three different methods:- Soap and water this is effective in removing physical dirt or any soiling and micro-organisms liquid soap is more efficient than a soap bar (Ehrenkrantz, 1992). Anti-microbial detergent which is effective in removing physical dirt and is more effective than soap in removing micro-organisms (Ehrenkrantz, 1992). Alcohol based hand rubs, these are not as effective as the above in removing dirt or soil but are more effective in destroying transient bacteria (Storr, J, Clayton-Kent, S, 2004). An aseptic procedure should be done in a clean environment and any equipment used should be sterile and disposable or decontaminated after each use and the nurse should ensure that the equipment is free from dust and any other soilage (DOH 2003). Whilst the nurse does ANTT procedure it is essential that her hands, even though they have been washed, do not contaminate the sterile field or the patient, this is achieved by the nurse using sterile gloves she needs to be aware however that gloves can be damaged during use and may no longer be sterile (Kelsall et al 2006). The aim of wearing sterile gloves is to reduce the risk of cross-infection from nursing staff to patients and to also reduce the transient contamination of the hands by micro-organisms from one patient to another (infection control Nurses Association (ICNA) 2002). The ICNA recommend that before a patient is treated a comprehensive risk assessment is taken to determine the most appropriate glove type for the task to be undertaken. Its been suggested that sterile gloves are only necessary if the nurses hands come into contact with the patients sterile body area, they argue that non-sterile gloves provide adequate infection control if hands decontamination has been done effectively (Hollinworth and Kingston 1998). Factors that need to be considered when making the choice between aseptic or clean technique for wound care is the setting where the dressing is to be done, the immune status of the patient, this is influenced by age, medication, type of wound, location and depth of wound and the invasiveness of the procedure (APIC 2001). Hartley (2005) reports that aseptic technique is not being carried out to a high standard and this could be related to the theory-practice gap or complacency in the professional field. Improving the skill based care needs to be the main focus on post -registration education this includes which gloves to choose, maintaining a sterile field with the risk of non-touch technique and also developing assessment protocols (Preston 2005). Stage 3 During my time on placement I cleaned and redressed a lot of wounds and I ensured that I used the Aseptic non touch Technique that was taught to me whilst at University. I ensured that I gained the consent of the patient prior to any procedure taking place and also maintained the clients privacy and dignity whilst carrying out the procedure. Whilst being on placement I have learnt that staff change the dressing on wounds using the aseptic non-touch technique differently to how I was taught in university but when questioning them why they do something a certain way they have a rationale for it. I will continue to clean and redress wound in the way I have been taught and believe that this is the way forward in fighting wound infections.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Male Friendship :: essays research papers

What is a friend? Maybe they are people who will listen to you, or people who you can boss around all the time, or maybe even just people who don’t have to do anything but sit with you at lunch. As Asher put it, â€Å"‘Friends are important sources of companionship and recreations, share advice and valued possessions, serve as trusted confidants and critics, act as loyal allies, and provide stability in times of stress or transition†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (qtd. in Dolich 1) Even in the beginning, when man was first created and put in the Garden of Eden to work the ground, there was a need for friendship and companionship. As God says while watching Adam work, â€Å"‘it is not good for man to be alone. I will make a companion for him.’† (qtd. in Adam†¦2:18). From the rib of Adam, God created Eve who was to be Adams companion forever. Do we even need this companionship, and if so is it important? As a recent poll of high school students shows, forty percent believe that friends are very important to them. While only ten percent believe that friends weren’t that important at all. Sixty percent of those questioned said that if their friends were to change and become more popular, then they would change themselves as well just to fit in and keep the friends they had (survey 2005). As one of these students points out, â€Å"Well it’s better than being alone all the time, this way at least you have someone to hangout wit h and talk to†(interview 2005). So in a day and age when teenagers especially are known for trying to act as individuals, we can see that in most cases people are the products of the influences put on them by their friends.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Artwork whether it is a painting, a drawing, or photograph; is a big way to express the importance of friendship. The photograph Be a True Friend, shows two male friends. Out at night, in a boat, not doing much but rowing. Along with this photograph is a caption saying, â€Å"the only way to have a friend is to be one† (Be a True Friend). From the caption, as well as the picture itself, you get the impression that these two people who aren’t doing anything but rowing, are great friends. You get the feeling that they don’t have to do anything but be there for one another, and because they are there for one another they are the greatest of friends. Male Friendship :: essays research papers What is a friend? Maybe they are people who will listen to you, or people who you can boss around all the time, or maybe even just people who don’t have to do anything but sit with you at lunch. As Asher put it, â€Å"‘Friends are important sources of companionship and recreations, share advice and valued possessions, serve as trusted confidants and critics, act as loyal allies, and provide stability in times of stress or transition†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (qtd. in Dolich 1) Even in the beginning, when man was first created and put in the Garden of Eden to work the ground, there was a need for friendship and companionship. As God says while watching Adam work, â€Å"‘it is not good for man to be alone. I will make a companion for him.’† (qtd. in Adam†¦2:18). From the rib of Adam, God created Eve who was to be Adams companion forever. Do we even need this companionship, and if so is it important? As a recent poll of high school students shows, forty percent believe that friends are very important to them. While only ten percent believe that friends weren’t that important at all. Sixty percent of those questioned said that if their friends were to change and become more popular, then they would change themselves as well just to fit in and keep the friends they had (survey 2005). As one of these students points out, â€Å"Well it’s better than being alone all the time, this way at least you have someone to hangout wit h and talk to†(interview 2005). So in a day and age when teenagers especially are known for trying to act as individuals, we can see that in most cases people are the products of the influences put on them by their friends.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Artwork whether it is a painting, a drawing, or photograph; is a big way to express the importance of friendship. The photograph Be a True Friend, shows two male friends. Out at night, in a boat, not doing much but rowing. Along with this photograph is a caption saying, â€Å"the only way to have a friend is to be one† (Be a True Friend). From the caption, as well as the picture itself, you get the impression that these two people who aren’t doing anything but rowing, are great friends. You get the feeling that they don’t have to do anything but be there for one another, and because they are there for one another they are the greatest of friends.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Week Assignment

It is important that organizations implement a monitoring system to insure that employees are learning on the job. Just because employees are educated in a classroom does not mean that they have the knowledge to do the tasks efficiently and effectively as possible. Knowledge comes from experience of performing daily tasks and as the employees achieve more experience on the job the greater the knowledge they will gain (Carving, 2000). Most employees want to achieve the greatest success in life and at work.It is important that organizations find ways to compliment the employees successes through a reward or incentive program that will reinforce positive learning. Managers need to find ways to follow-up with employees on what they have learned and this can be accomplished through employee evaluations and refresher training on a periodic basis. Keeping the employee in the know is also a very important element. The employee needs to have the understanding that what is expected of them thr ough goal setting and timeliness.If an employee has a guide of expectations it will assist the management team to understand if the employee is acquiring knowledge at the standard rate. Managers have to now when employees are not gaining knowledge. Knowledge management is more than just placing an employee in a job and asking a co-worker to train them. In a knowledge management environment the manager may find that an employee with many years of experience was never properly trained. This failure in appropriate training may be costing the employee efficiency or quality.To get the greatest rewards from all of the company's assets it is important to understand the overall value of the asset. If employees are top of the organizations assets it is important to get the greatest return on the investment. Employees must work in a positive culture and positive environment. Employees will learn at a faster rate if the culture and environment that they are working in is a positive environment . If other employees step-up to give new employees direction or find ways to assist with mentoring employees the organization will achieve higher levels of success.Managers must understand that to build the greatest teams it takes a level of knowledge of how the game is played. Managers can not just throw employees into work they must give employees the opportunity to learn the task and the job. There must be a high level of profitable learning through a sharing process. Employees need the time to interact and feel they are an important element to the team in which they work. The results of the team will be much greater if the knowledge is spread throughout the whole organization.According to Rummies (2002) knowledge management is a systematic process by which knowledge needed for an organization to succeed is created, captured, shared and leveraged. Managers must monitor the knowledge levels in every employee and insure that each employee is learning at a positive rate. To achieve the greatest success knowledge management must be enforced for organizations to succeed. This is why through economical uncertainty it is important that organizations implement and manage how knowledge is evolved. Week Assignment At this time the heroin turns to a sticky liquid ND wriggles around on the foil like a Chinese dragon. Fumes are given off and it is inhaled sometimes through a rolled up newspaper, magazine or some kind of tube. There are â€Å"two-thirds of all heroin users chase the dragon; chasing the dragon is less of a health risk than people using needles. † (Cools, J. , 1 992) When a person shoots up everything goes straight into the blood stream: entrust heroin but also anything the heroin has been cut with and any other toxic substances. Chasing the dragon means no toxic substances will directly get into a person's bloodstream.The inhaling of iron fumes would enter the lungs where the blood vessels would absorb the heroin. What is the problem? Besides health problems, heroin causes many problems in society; families can be broken, relationships heroin could cause domestic violence, child abuse, and risk of sexually transmitted diseases. According to studies, â€Å"show that surprisi ngly, poor people spend a greater percentage of money on acquiring drugs than middle-class and upper-class people. † (Rehabs, 201 5) What are the individual and social implications of this problem?The nature of social environmental factors influence on substance abuse is unclear. A longitudinal study was undertaken to determine the relative power of social network and neighborhood characteristics to predict continuing illicit drug use. † (Schroeder, PhD, Latin, PhD, Hoover, PhD, Curry, MS, Knowles, Sad, & Celebrant, Sad, 2000) The medical and social consequences of drug heroin are, â€Å"hepatitis, HIVE/AIDS, fetal effects, crime, violence, and disruptions in family, workplace and educational environments have a devastating impact on society and costs billions of dollars each year N. 2014) What do the experts say about the problem? The impact of heroin use is an issued all cross the United States, heroin being identified as the most or one of the most drug abuses that h as affected regions coast to coast. Heroin is extremely addictive no matter how a person uses it, injection and smoking increases the risk of addiction. Once a person becomes addicted to heroin it takes control of their lives. What have we, as a society, done about this problem? One Of things our society is trying to do is creating a drug-free society, however there has never been drug-free society in our history of civilization.The majority of Americans agree that the drug war is not working. Therefore our society has come up with three simple solutions; â€Å"offer treatment to people who wants help with their drug addiction, leave people alone who don't want or need treatment, and continue to hold people responsible for their crimes that harm others. â€Å"(Newman, T. , 2014) How are public policies and other, less formal responses working? Heroin overdoses is happening every. Inhere around me. The public policies such as addict who wants help must enter a treatment center.Howe ver, if the heroin addict really doesn't want help, going into a treatment center will not work at all. In Northern Kentucky, â€Å"our hospital SST. Elizabeth has a new program to provide Malone kits for heroin ODD victims, the hospital is expecting to get at least 600 of the kits. † (Filcher, J. , 2015) This kit may save lives, but it wont stop a person from using heroin. Describe an alternative solution to the problem and effective response to Heroin. Kentucky Senate panel approves anti- heroin bill after hearing an emotional testimony.In January, 2015 the Senate Bill 5 was approved to help Kentucky deadly heroin epidemic. One of things that was on that bill was â€Å"permitting police officers, firefighters, and aromatics to carry and administer Malone, a drug that can reverse the effects of a heroin overdose, without any civil or criminal liability. † (Chives, J. 201 5) Conclude with your thoughts about your chosen social problem. My thoughts in regards to heroin may not be a solution but a question instead. Heroin is everywhere, it could be a person spouse, sibling, child, niece, nephew and their cousin, heroin doesn't care who it is a devil drug.There is so much information out there telling people or even showing people what would happen to them if they used heroin. Does that stop them no? My nephew seven or eight years ago, used to be bull rider. He was hit in the face by the bull's head which caused my nephew a lot of pain, and a plate inside the right part of his face. His doctor had him on Concoction for pain medication which caused him to get addict to this drug. When the doctor took him off cold turkey and weaning him off, sadly the only relieve he had was finding another drug to help with the pain and the withdrawals. That is when heroin took over his life.He has been in out of county and state institutions, plus rehab centers after rehab centers and continues after few months of being release, he has overdose once again on heroin. When the devil drug calls out your name, the addict will come. Of course just like anybody else that has a love one, hopes they never used again, but now after my nephew had done it so many times, it's hard to hope when you know it isn't going to help. My solution for my nephew and any other addict being released from rehab, find something to occupy your time. I have tried to encourage my nephew to become a drug counselor, and he won't even consider it.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Foster Care Children And Adolescent s Feeling When They...

How does the foster children and adolescent’s feeling when they got in foster care. The social worker apart the kid from their parents. Being in foster care is considered as cultural, it has their own hope. Hope is just big important to foster care, they hope that the foster care put foster kids in a right family. This quote is about foster care’s expectation that will satisfy foster kids’ needs. â€Å"Who are these people who become foster parents?Where do they fit into the very large,complex plan to meet the needs off children when their biological parents cannot provide sufficient care? Are they volunteers or employees? How are they recruited, trained, certified, and supervised? What situations do they confront? Who is available to support them? (Ross and Crawford 279.)† Do foster care require the foster parent to take something that meet their quality of keeping a foster kid? Foster care want to make sure the system is smooth with foster kid’s needs. How do you define your foster family? How did they welcome you on your first day? How did they feel when they got in foster system? Do you consider your foster parents to be successful? How long you been in foster care? Mandy Williams expressed about her experience with foster families and foster culture. Mandy and her three deaf sisters who used to lived with her drug user parents. Her drug user parents make her often late to school and missed a lot of school days without any reasonable excuses. Mandy and herShow MoreRelatedWhy The Foster System Is Ineffective1264 Words   |  6 PagesWhy the Foster System is Ineffective Is the foster system really a good place for any person? Most adolescents would have to deal with other adolescents always starting fights, degrading you, and stealing your belongings. Adolescents in the foster care system turn to crime, have to deal with depression, and deal with having no one to really trust. 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